Tuesday, March 23, 2010
More than one?
Yes, there is more than one Sweptline pickup! I have the good fortune of having a Swepline owner 30 minutes away from me that likes to share his knowledge.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Transmission Inspection Cover
Replaced the transmission inspection cover on the left with the one on the right.

Used some 3M Strip-Calk (their spelling) to seal it up.
I know it is supposed to be body color but this will work for now with my tattered carpet.

Once I figure out what "body color" is going to be I can paint it all.
Much quieter in the cab now without a bunch of holes in the floor.

Used some 3M Strip-Calk (their spelling) to seal it up.
I know it is supposed to be body color but this will work for now with my tattered carpet.

Once I figure out what "body color" is going to be I can paint it all.
Much quieter in the cab now without a bunch of holes in the floor.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Haulin' somethin'
And for the first time since I can't even remember when, the truck being used as a truck (plus my wife modeling). It wasn't much of a load (60 8' dog eared pickets, 9 2"X4"X10', 1 4"X4"X8', 3 bags of mulch, and 4 bags of top soil), but it sure was nice to use the truck like a truck again.

Sunday, March 07, 2010
Up and running
All cleaned up and ready to go. Now if I only had money for paint and body work. Regardless, bring me some Hondas!!!

Friday, March 05, 2010
More success!
My PhD dissertation proposal defense went well. I am now a full PhD candidate and what they call "ABD." I don't know what ABD means exactly. I've heard "all but dissertation" and "all but done." I really don't care what it stands for. It means I'm one step further to getting my rear end out of here.