Saturday, November 20, 2004


Annoying post about annoying drivers

Everyone on the internet has something to say about bad drivers. News flash we all piss off other people when we drive. If you are a left lane sitter or a no blinker user there is a special place in hell for you. If hate people that weave in and out of traffic it is because you secretly wish you had the capacity or the car or the lack of intelligence to do such things. If you think you've never been cussed at by someone else you are oblivious to the entire world around you and I recommend you pull your head out of your ass and join the select few people, though I'm probably not included, who do not keep their head there.

But one of these days, when I've had enough I'm going to follow someone home. I'm going to get out of my work van and start coming at the person with a screw driver and a roll of duct tape. I hope it is someone in a minivan or a Benz. I will tape them to a tree in their front yard and stab them in the thigh with the srew driver (don't want to seriously injure anyone here!). Then I'll leave a note on them for the police to find that says, "hello, I'm a bad driver, and I deserved this."

There's also a special place reserved in hell for those that use the < blink > tag.
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