Saturday, November 20, 2004


I'm back

. . . don't know why I'm doing this
. . . just need to write
. . . don't want a blog
. . . don't want to be one of the millions expressing an opinon no one cares about
. . . don't want to feel responsible for the electrons that make this happen
. . . need an escape
. . . need an out
. . . need a place to say things I wouldn't normally do
. . . don't care
. . . tired of answering to other's needs and wants
. . . where's my gin?
. . . need to feel a part of something
. . . and this isn't it
. . . but this will do
. . . I am sorry to my girlfriend for deleting the first one
. . . for the rest of you, I'm not, it was a burden
. . . this, when I write, will likely be my angry spot
. . . if you don't want to read angry thoughts, don't read this
. . . I'm done for now

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