Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Happy Day

Today is one of my favorite days of the year.

What day is it? Christmas? No. A birthday? No, well, at least not mine. Win the lottery? No, better than that.

Today is the day I walk into the liquor store and see that Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine is on the shelf. I bought five 6-packs. I'm saving one for the girlfriend's father. So I'll probably have to go back to the store in a few days and by another case or so (5% discount for buying a case of microbrew at the local liquor store!).

You bought Dad pretty things? Somehow, I doubt he's going to put out for it.
KahlĂșa, Baileys Irish Cream, and Absolut at the house for you my dear.
Because, Mmmm... Cement mixers.
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