Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Okay, so I've got two clicks ... and ... GOD DAMN IT!

I have an iBook and I love it. Some argue that the interface has too much bling and the operating system is setup for stupid people. I personally like the interface, enjoy having the power of Unix in the background, and don't care if OSX developers think I am a total dumbass. There is a chance I am, there is a chance they are right, and since the fall of 2003 they have protected me from my own ignorance. Thank God!

My work machine is, however, a Windows machine: Windows 2000 Professional to be exact. Today I was trying to setup file sharing. Somehow, with just a few clicks of the mouse I managed to lock myself out of this idiot box. I guess there are ways to decompile the password file, which I will be trying to do shortly, but this is not any kind of trouble I needed for this evening. Today has been a mess.

I started today and with little sleep and it has simply not gotten any better. One of the owners of my company showed up late for our 6:30am meeting (I have to get up at 4:50am to be there on time) then after the meeting he proceeded to explain to me how important it is that I be at work on time. This is rather ironic and hypocritical of him since he was late this morning and I was not. And he seems to be the only person who notices what time I, a salaried exempt employee (aka I don't play by the time clock), show up for work. This same owner then dumped all of his work on me and the other owner. Then a pissed of customer called, one who has yelled wolf too many times but we still have to go running, and fucked my schedule for the week. Then on the way home from work a huge cardboard box flew across the interstate and into my truck. Luckily it didn't break anything and I was so tired I didn't even react so I didn't swerve into any traffic. I need to go do my grocery shopping for the week but I'm afraid to leave the house.

I do, dear reader, have to take care of other matters. Laundry and grocery shopping are calling to me. I think I'm going to go to the store and get some beer. Beer should go well with a one chance only task of decompiling and recompiling a Windows password file using a Linux disk.

A poem:
Go hackers
Sit in the dark drinking Mountain Dew and eating pizza all night
Y'all rock

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