Tuesday, March 07, 2006
What a freaking day
What a Monday:
- The secretary left me off the department mailing list; I missed the monthly department meeting
- One of my professors totally changed a meeting around so it lasted 30min, rather than an hour and 30min
- My desktop computer at work quit printing while trying to print out my mid-term
- I thought it was free to park on campus if you leave after 7pm, so after working on my mid-term until 8pm, I left and paid $10 in parking to find out that is just some kind of urban legend
- Word for Windows and Word for Mac don't really get along, so when my computer quit printing it was not as simple as transferring the file to my laptop and printing the file from there
- You can't make PDF's from Word in Windows like you can in Word for Mac so that was a frustrating 15min worth of wasted time
- The oven timer randomly started going off at O'dark'thirty this morning for no reason what-so-ever and would not shut off easily