Friday, April 28, 2006



I wanted to go to sleep last night at midnight. I went to bed and realized it wasn’t going to happen. I got up, worked on my first year paper a little more, then tried again at 1:00am. It worked this time. But then at 5:30am I wake up to my dog puking on his bed, which is right next to my side of the bed. I had a hard time falling back to sleep after that. Every noise I heard woke me up because I thought it might be Angus throwing up some more. Then my girlfriend’s alarm started going off at 6 o’early. She takes dance classes in the morning, but sometimes, like today, she hits snooze for an hour and doesn’t go to class. So, from 5:30 to 7:30 I didn’t sleep much. Then my alarm started going off at 8:30, I bumped it up to 9:30, then hit snooze until quarter after 10. I don’t know how much sleep that works out to, but it doesn’t feel like much.

Maybe what I feel like today is partially driven by a lack of sleep. But I’ve got a confession. I’ve got doubts.

This grad school stuff, at least in a college of management, is high stakes and high pressure. It’s more than just grades. It’s produce or go home. I’m doing really well too. But I think I need to back off some. I am having fun, but I don’t think I am enjoying myself. I don’t know if I know how to back off though. I need to figure it out, and I need to figure out how to do it without felling like I’m dropping the ball. If I feel like I’m dropping the ball, all it will do is stress me out, and I’ll go back to working my ass off like I do right now. You might be asking, “well, if you’re doing good, why do you need to back off at all?” It’s a good question.

This whole grad school thing is supposed to be an experience and I think I’m missing at least part of it. But, the best way to change your life is to first change your mind. Today may be the day, or I may just be tired. Guess we’ll see.

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