Saturday, June 24, 2006
What have I done?
I've worked every day at the house, often more than 12 hours a day, since we purchased it on Monday. I have:
We've had this house almost a week and I still haven't slept there though. Maybe we'll have to camp out on Monday evening or something.
Things I need to do (in no particular order):
- Removed wallpaper
- Designed the fence layout, measured, and ordered all the necessary lumber
- Installed GFI outlets in the kitchen and bathrooms
- Placed most of the poles for the new section of fence (still waiting on the concrete to cure)
- Been to Lowes and Home Depot a half dozen times each
- Installed an exhaust fan in the upstairs bathroom and a new double switch to run the lights and fan separately
- Insulated the doors to the attic sections to try to keep the heat of the attics out of the house
- Built a frame to go around the attic fan and insulated the frame/fan to keep the attic heat out of the house
- Took down a ceiling fan and some track lighting from the apartment and re-installed them in the house
- Removed all of the unsightly co-axial wiring from the outside of the house
- Re-routed the co-axial wiring from the DirecTV dish into the attic
- Mowed the yard
- Installed a new cover for the telephone outlet in the kitchen
- Flipped over some of the grates for the heating and cooling system so that you can no longer see into them (personal pet peeve)
- Finished breaking the top stair
- Made the holes in the walls and installed the boxes for the rear speakers, an isolated ground outlet, and the two co-axial connections and telephone connection for the DirecTV system
- Started wiring the isolated ground outlets I'll be installed in the room we're going to use as an office (this wire spans the length of the house)
- Tried closing off the vents in the basement and some of the vents in the main level of the house to provide more A/C to the upstairs (this is called balancing)
- Ordered parts for some speakers I am going to build to go with a B&O system Palila's mom gave her
- Cleaned up all of the wallpaper and wallpaper backing off the floor and put it in a trash bag
- Swept out the saw dust from the carport
- Took down the vertical blinds from infront of the basement door (junky old plastic) and installed the vertical blinds from the dining room (nice cloth)
- Re-installed the original track lighting from the apartment into its original location
- Drank a few beers
We've had this house almost a week and I still haven't slept there though. Maybe we'll have to camp out on Monday evening or something.
Things I need to do (in no particular order):
- Finish up all of my wiring projects
- Wire 3 isolated ground outlets
Finish wiring rear speakersDoneGet the DirecTV co-axial cable from the upper attic into the lower attic and down to the wall outletDoneRun the telephone from the kitchen to the home theater areaDone
- Finish up the fence
- Figure out how the fence on the other side of the house is going to work (the gas line is on that side of the house)
- Help paint
Pick out a 'fridgeDoneFigure out what's wrong with the lights in the foyer and at the front door (likely the same problem for both)DoneForce Palila to pick out some light fixtures for the kitchen, foyer, and hallMostly DoneDoneDrink a few beersNever really done- Clean everything
- Pack and move
- Unpack
- Build speakers for the B&O system
- Figure out some better hand rails
Actually sleep in the houseSlept there a couple of nights now