Sunday, July 09, 2006
Can't Stop
Palila and I have been working on the house just about non-stop: there's so much left to be done.
The yard needs mowed. The stick in the back yard need picked up. The fence needs finished off. The temporary fence on the east side of the house needs to be made into a more permanent structure. The 3 isolated ground outlets still need wired. Paint all doors. Paint the dining room. Paint the hall. Paint all trim. Paint all doors. Rip down the wood panel and chair rail in the kitchen. Paint the kitchen. Drink more beer. Clean all of the floors. Pack everything. Move. Unpack everything. Cut and stain 1/4 round. Stain the top step. Fix the leak from the hot water in the upstairs shower. And the list goes on ...
The yard needs mowed. The stick in the back yard need picked up. The fence needs finished off. The temporary fence on the east side of the house needs to be made into a more permanent structure. The 3 isolated ground outlets still need wired. Paint all doors. Paint the dining room. Paint the hall. Paint all trim. Paint all doors. Rip down the wood panel and chair rail in the kitchen. Paint the kitchen. Drink more beer. Clean all of the floors. Pack everything. Move. Unpack everything. Cut and stain 1/4 round. Stain the top step. Fix the leak from the hot water in the upstairs shower. And the list goes on ...