Thursday, November 30, 2006
Two More Weeks
Just two more weeks from today and the semester from hell will be over. But what a two weeks it is going to be. I have two papers to present and one final to take. Oh, and I haven't even started writing one of the papers yet. After all of this is over I get to spend a nice long weekend in the north Georgia mountains with my girlfriend (courtesy of her company's Christmas excursion).
Christmas break is going to be rough. I have to teach next semester and I do not have anything put together yet. I do have the book picked out but have not yet read it cover to cover (I still have a few chapters left). The book publisher is supposed to be sending me a bunch of material (slides and test questions) to help me, but I have not received those yet. I also have a ton to read.
I've also decided I am going to quit riding MARTA. When I teach, I can't take the chance that I won't be able to catch a train or will get stuck on a train derailed in a tunnel under Decatur (sound outrages? It happened to me last week). So I'm just going to have to pony up the cash for on campus parking. Good thing I've got those student loans.
That's all for now. Don't expect to here anything out of me for the next two weeks or so, maybe until after New Years at this rate. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Christmas break is going to be rough. I have to teach next semester and I do not have anything put together yet. I do have the book picked out but have not yet read it cover to cover (I still have a few chapters left). The book publisher is supposed to be sending me a bunch of material (slides and test questions) to help me, but I have not received those yet. I also have a ton to read.
I've also decided I am going to quit riding MARTA. When I teach, I can't take the chance that I won't be able to catch a train or will get stuck on a train derailed in a tunnel under Decatur (sound outrages? It happened to me last week). So I'm just going to have to pony up the cash for on campus parking. Good thing I've got those student loans.
That's all for now. Don't expect to here anything out of me for the next two weeks or so, maybe until after New Years at this rate. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.