Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Long weekend, that's for sure.
What a weekend.
So, on Friday (I don't usually work on Friday) I had to work. I had to go to school to announce a study early in the morning because our ever famous and bad ATL traffic had prevented me from getting there on Wednesday in time. Then, I decided to e-mail a company I've been talking to about running a study. They decided my questions were too much like their questions, so there would be no point. I know there is a point and I believe I could argue my case, but this seems pointless now. Once a company has made up its mind I think it is over. This somehow reminds me of dating. Of course, I can take this knowledge and move onto the next company. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
Then I decided to work on the truck. I'd done some major damage to the truck and it was time to start installing some of the parts that have been slowly trickling in. Well, one of the parts was a set of brand new motor mounts. It took a lot of work to install them since I'd never done it before and wasn't 100% sure about how to do it. I learned. Once everything was in place, one of the mount's studs broke off. Brand freaking new and it broke. I slammed my hand into the frame when it broke, resulting in a cut and nice sore spot just below my palm.
Then I decided to take the car out for something. It must have been a test drive after I changed the oil. But that doesn't seem right. Either way, I don't remember. Oh, wait.... it was when I went to AutoZone to order a new motor mount for the truck. Anywho, on the way back there was a motor cycle at a light next to me: a crotch rocket. He was revving and revving and revving. Well, the light turned green and I nailed it. He was super late. Now, his crotch rocket probably has the EXACT SAME horse power as my '86 Dodge, but he was REAL late. I was up to 70mph and starting to slow down for the turn into my neighborhood before he passed me. Of course, a clip came off the linkage to the transmission and I got to try to get the car up the drive way in 4th gear. The clutch smell was pretty bad. I had a spare clip (Thank God). The clips are really hard to get in all the way. I'm guessing the people that did it last time when I actually broke the shifter didn't get it all the way on. Oh well.
Then, Alex and I decided to see what was under the cheap ass flooring that was pealing up in the entry way to our house. Alex thought it was hardwood. She was right. Unfortunately, there were two layers of linoleum. I cut away the first to get a peak at the second. Then when I went to cut away the second I spun around and stabbed Alex in the knee with the utility knife.
What a weekend.
So, on Friday (I don't usually work on Friday) I had to work. I had to go to school to announce a study early in the morning because our ever famous and bad ATL traffic had prevented me from getting there on Wednesday in time. Then, I decided to e-mail a company I've been talking to about running a study. They decided my questions were too much like their questions, so there would be no point. I know there is a point and I believe I could argue my case, but this seems pointless now. Once a company has made up its mind I think it is over. This somehow reminds me of dating. Of course, I can take this knowledge and move onto the next company. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
Then I decided to work on the truck. I'd done some major damage to the truck and it was time to start installing some of the parts that have been slowly trickling in. Well, one of the parts was a set of brand new motor mounts. It took a lot of work to install them since I'd never done it before and wasn't 100% sure about how to do it. I learned. Once everything was in place, one of the mount's studs broke off. Brand freaking new and it broke. I slammed my hand into the frame when it broke, resulting in a cut and nice sore spot just below my palm.
Then I decided to take the car out for something. It must have been a test drive after I changed the oil. But that doesn't seem right. Either way, I don't remember. Oh, wait.... it was when I went to AutoZone to order a new motor mount for the truck. Anywho, on the way back there was a motor cycle at a light next to me: a crotch rocket. He was revving and revving and revving. Well, the light turned green and I nailed it. He was super late. Now, his crotch rocket probably has the EXACT SAME horse power as my '86 Dodge, but he was REAL late. I was up to 70mph and starting to slow down for the turn into my neighborhood before he passed me. Of course, a clip came off the linkage to the transmission and I got to try to get the car up the drive way in 4th gear. The clutch smell was pretty bad. I had a spare clip (Thank God). The clips are really hard to get in all the way. I'm guessing the people that did it last time when I actually broke the shifter didn't get it all the way on. Oh well.
Then, Alex and I decided to see what was under the cheap ass flooring that was pealing up in the entry way to our house. Alex thought it was hardwood. She was right. Unfortunately, there were two layers of linoleum. I cut away the first to get a peak at the second. Then when I went to cut away the second I spun around and stabbed Alex in the knee with the utility knife.
What a weekend.