Monday, May 05, 2008


I'm wasting my time

It isn't uncommon to fail a question on comprehensive exams. I did just that very thing. Unfortunately, I made the grand mistake of answering the question as it was written and not as the faculty intended it to be interpreted. They, graciously, rewrote the question for me and now I get to write a paper. I was given 3 weeks for the task and I have just under 2 weeks left. I am not at all happy, but I do plan on flaming the crap out of them with my answer. If they are going to waste my freaking time and push me further back in the program, they are going to see how I really think about things. It is always so much better when you can use their own words against them too.

Are you saying that you didn't get the memo on mind reading? You live and drive in Atlanta. Mind reading should be a way of life. Not to be confused with thought control, or are we talking means and ends here?
My mind reading skills just aren't what they need to be.
I'll second that!
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