Wednesday, December 17, 2008


An update, of sorts

My back: much better but not perfect. I had some x-rays done and there was nothing that showed a real problem there. There's really no reason to do a MRI. Even if it were a herniated disc, many of those fix themselves within a few months (but I really don't have those symptoms). I've been seeing a physical therapist and the things she was able to do have helped out.

My PhD program: much better, but not perfect. Apparently, telling my adviser that I agreed when she said that maybe she shouldn't be my adviser any more was a real wake up call. But I think it was a wake up call for the both of us. We've both changed a number of things, including the way we interact. She is going to remain my adviser through the rest of the program (or so it would appear for now). And I FINALLY have a dissertation proposal idea approved! I can finally start working for reals on a dissertation.

My cars: um yeah. Still waiting on a rim for the Daytona. But in driving the truck, I've noticed some issues. I really need to get the transmission mount fixed and the engine pushed back into the correct position. I "fixed" the oil pan gasket once already but I'm going to have fix it again. One of these days I'll have a vehicle that doesn't need work all the time and I will enjoy it.

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