Wednesday, April 15, 2009



No, not graduated, just done.

It might be time to start looking for a new job.

I had a meeting with my adviser yesterday and she'd regressed a couple of months from the feeling of it. She was talking again about whether or not she should be my adviser. She appeared to ignore specific items I'd mentioned about the proposal I'd given her. Additionally, she had questions about what I was talking about in the proposal that indicated she had not actually read the document.

She then started talking about how I might have to go into my 6th year. That entire discussion felt like she was setting things up so that even if I wanted to work really, really hard and make a big push to finish in 5, it wouldn't matter because she wasn't going to hold up her end.

There were parts of the discussion that went well. She does want to see the next couple of sections I've written. Plus, once reminded of some of the things I'd mentioned earlier, she appeared to better understand why I'd done what I'd done. It might turn out okay yet.

The entire thing just left a really bad taste in my mouth. She can't even pronounce the work "veridical" and that seems problematic since she has a background in psychology. She couldn't pronounce it, didn't know what it meant, and that's not good because all of our self-report measurement systems rely on veridical perception.

I don't know what I'd do if I left ABD, but it is time to start giving that some serious consideration.

Have you thought about a different approach? Maybe instead of seeking her help, just letting her know that you will be graduating next year and that is a fact.
I don't think you understand how academics work. If I go in and state it that way I could 1) get kicked out outright for no reason, or 2) they could make it take 7 just for kicks.
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